Digital Twin for Buildings: Benefits & Best Practices Explained

Author: Ankitha VP
July 24, 2024
Digital Twin for Buildings: Benefits & Best Practices Explained

Conventional building management frequently depends on manual procedures and recurring inspections, both of which can be ineffective and unpredictable. These techniques make it difficult to foresee problems before they arise, raising operating expenses and wasting energy. Furthermore, traditional systems lack the real-time data required for proactive decision-making.

Here comes another scenario that is to unfold!

Imagine having a real-time, virtual version of your building that replicates every aspect of its operation. Digital twins have this potential for buildings and are revolutionizing building optimization and management.

That's not the only case! You must connect with the best digital twin development company to understand how building Operations with Digital Twin Technology is critical. This is highly valuable for you while deciding which company to rely upon.

So, in this blog, let's discuss digital twin technology and its role in building design. 

What is Digital Twin Technology?

Digital twin technology recreates a digital model of the physical building. This digital equivalent replicates the efficiency and operation of the physical asset, which is updated constantly with real-time data from sensors and Internet of Things devices. 

Consider it a live model that changes as the building does, giving you a comprehensive, dynamic picture of its operation. The digital twin model helps managers make data-based choices to maximize effectiveness and productivity. This enables modeling, evaluation, and monitoring.

It can identify errors in energy consumption, for instance, and let managers take corrective action to cut expenses and waste. Additionally, digital twins aid in sustainability initiatives by maximizing resource utilization and minimizing ecological effects. 

Key Benefits of Digital Twin for Buildings

There are several benefits of digital twin technology for various industries. However, here we’ll discuss some of the benefits of digital twins for buildings. 

Key Benefits of Digital Twin for Buildings

1. Enhancing Operational Efficiency

With digital twin technology, all building systems can be seen in their entirety, allowing for precise tracking and improvement. For example, building managers can maintain maximum performance by identifying weaknesses in HVAC systems and making necessary adjustments by evaluating real-time data. 

Siemens is a well-known example of optimizing the HVAC system at its Munich building using digital twin technology. As a result, power consumption was reduced by 30%, and passenger comfort was significantly raised. By taking a proactive stance, building efficiency is maximized, waste is decreased, and overall performance is enhanced.

2. Sustainability and Environmental Impact

One of its most notable advantages is the contribution of digital twin technology to sustainability. Digital twins lower a building's carbon footprint by offering comprehensive insights into energy consumption. 

For instance, the city of Singapore deployed digital twins to control and monitor energy use in different buildings. This campaign reduced energy use by 20%, and greenhouse gas emissions decreased accordingly. Digital twins and sustainability have a significant impact on sustainable development by maximizing resource efficiency and reducing waste.

Suggested read: Role of Digital Twin in Sustainable Construction. Here

3. Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance revolutionizes building management. With the help of digital twins, building systems can be continuously monitored, allowing for the anticipation and resolution of problems before they become serious. 

For example, IBM reduced maintenance costs and downtime by 50% by using digital twin technology in its data centers to anticipate equipment problems. This strategy increases overall reliability, guarantees continuous processes, and prolongs the helpful lifespan of building assets.

4. Cost Savings

The use of digital twin technology can result in considerable cost reductions. Digital twins contribute to lower operating and maintenance costs by streamlining building operations and enabling predictive maintenance. 

The University of California, Berkeley, is one example of a school that used digital twins to manage its campus facilities. Both energy and maintenance costs were significantly reduced due to the program by 15% and 40%, respectively. These savings show how digital twins can be a valuable tool for cost-effective building management since they offer a high investment return.

Please read: How much does it cost to develop a digital twin? Here

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Real-World Applications of Digital Twin Technology in Building Operations

Let's examine a few use cases of how digital twin technology has improved building operations. 

1. Microsoft 

Microsoft achieved impressive productivity improvements through the use of digital twins. They linked the systems in their buildings, making predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring possible. 

The outcomes were noteworthy: a notable increase in productivity, occupant comfort, and a 15% decrease in energy usage.

2. City of Helsinki 

The City of Helsinki employs digital twins in urban planning projects, which is another significant example. Helsinki developed digital twins for several buildings to improve power consumption and upkeep schedules. This project demonstrated the valuable advantages and financial savings that digital twins may provide by reducing energy expenditures by 25% and streamlining maintenance procedures.

Also read: Top 7 Digital Twin Consulting Services in 2024. Here

Integration with IoT and Smart Building Systems

The combination of smart building systems, IoT and digital twin technology raises the standard for building management. Johnson Controls, for example, uses digital twins in its smart building systems. 

Merging IoT sensors with digital twins can achieve real-time monitoring and control of building systems. Based on population and consumption patterns, this connection enables automated heating, cooling, and lighting modifications.

The Amsterdam Edge building is one example of this integration in the real world. The Edge, which has earned the title of "smartest building in the world," creates a digital counterpart of the structure using more than 28,000 sensors. 

This digital twin, which tracks everything from energy use to room usage, can help improve sustainability and productivity dynamically. Comparing the building to conventional office buildings, a 70% decrease in energy consumption has been obtained.

These illustrations show how digital twin technology may significantly enhance building operations when combined with IoT and smart building systems. Digital twins deliver practical conclusions that improve performance, cut expenses, and advance sustainability by utilizing real-time data and advanced analytics.

Please read: What is the difference between IoT and digital twins? Here 

Real-World Applications of Digital Twin Technology in Building Operations

Let's examine a few use cases of how digital twin technology has improved building operations. 

1. Microsoft 

Microsoft achieved impressive productivity improvements through the use of digital twins. They linked the systems in their buildings, making predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring possible. 

The outcomes were noteworthy: a notable increase in productivity, occupant comfort, and a 15% decrease in energy usage.

2. City of Helsinki 

The City of Helsinki employs digital twins in urban planning projects, which is another significant example. Helsinki developed digital twins for several buildings to improve power consumption and upkeep schedules. This project demonstrated the valuable advantages and financial savings that digital twins may provide by reducing energy expenditures by 25% and streamlining maintenance procedures.

Also read: Top 7 Digital Twin Consulting Services in 2024. Here

Integration with IoT and Smart Building Systems

The combination of smart building systems, IoT and digital twin technology raises the standard for building management. Johnson Controls, for example, uses digital twins in its smart building systems. 

Merging IoT sensors with digital twins can achieve real-time monitoring and control of building systems. Based on population and consumption patterns, this connection enables automated heating, cooling, and lighting modifications.

The Amsterdam Edge building is one example of this integration in the real world. The Edge, which has earned the title of "smartest building in the world," creates a digital counterpart of the structure using more than 28,000 sensors. 

This digital twin, which tracks everything from energy use to room usage, can help improve sustainability and productivity dynamically. Comparing the building to conventional office buildings, a 70% decrease in energy consumption has been obtained.

These illustrations show how digital twin technology may significantly enhance building operations when combined with IoT and smart building systems. Digital twins deliver practical conclusions that improve performance, cut expenses, and advance sustainability by utilizing real-time data and advanced analytics.

Please read: What is the difference between IoT and digital twins? Here 

Steps to Implement Digital Twin for Buildings

1. Initial Evaluation and Scheduling

A comprehensive preliminary evaluation and planning stage is essential before launching the digital twin implementation process. This process entails assessing the systems in your facility now, pinpointing critical areas that could use improvement, and establishing precise goals for the digital twin's deployment. 

Your goals can include increasing occupant comfort, decreasing energy use, or boosting maintenance effectiveness.

An instance of effective preliminary planning in practice is the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. They identified weaknesses in their energy management systems by thoroughly examining their building's activities. Because of this preparation, they were able to customize their digital twin solution to meet specific requirements. This made for a more seamless deployment and more significant outcomes.

2. Selecting the Appropriate Digital Twin Company

Choosing the best digital twin company is essential to reaching your objectives. Flexibility integration potential and the solution's particular features are critical factors to consider. 

Seek a platform that offers robust data analytics and visualization capabilities that can easily interface with your current IoT devices and building management systems. You can also refer to Toobler to understand how digital twins are implemented with precision. 

Consider the decision made by Hong Kong International Airport, which selected a digital twin platform capable of managing the complexity of its operations and integrating with its Internet of Things infrastructure. 

They improved overall effectiveness and customer satisfaction by managing and optimizing several airport processes, ranging from energy use to passenger movement. Hence, digital twins enhance the customer experience

Please read: How Toobler Helps Companies Become Digital Twin Ready? Here

Best Practices for Successful Implementation

There can be several hurdles to digital twin implementation. Use these best practices to make sure that the digital twin for buildings is implemented successfully:

1. Involve Stakeholders

From the start, involve all pertinent parties, including executives, facility managers, and IT personnel. By working together, we can handle issues and ensure that everyone is in agreement.

2. Invest in Training

Give your staff thorough training to guarantee that they can utilize digital twin technology. This will optimize the advantages and ensure seamless functioning.

3. Begin Small, Grow Gradually

Start with a small-scale pilot project to test the digital twin technology. This enables you to find problems and fix them before implementing the technology in the whole building or campus.

4. Iterate and monitor

Monitor the digital twin's performance and make incremental enhancements. Use the information and understanding you've obtained to improve building operations and your strategies.

Suggested read: What is the future of digital twins? Here

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Final Words

Digital twin technology integration is no longer a science-fiction idea but a feasible solution with real advantages. By creating an accurate, up-to-date digital model of a building, companies can improve sustainability, increase efficiency, and simplify maintenance procedures. Traditional techniques frequently fail when delivering the real-time data and predictive insights required for modern building management, which must be revised.

Toobler's proficiency in digital twin services enables enterprises to revolutionize their building management practices. Utilizing the newest methods and technologies, we assist you in gaining insightful knowledge on the functionality and behavior of your physical assets. Adopt digital twin technology to ensure buildings run as sustainably and efficiently as possible to stay ahead of the competition. 

It's time to adapt and use digital twin technology to the fullest extent possible for your building operations.

So, connect with us now!